It’s adoption month so I plan to share little things here & there as they pop into my heart.
Something on my heart in this moment is the phrase “we are waiting from the Lord to hear if we are called to foster or adopt” or “it takes a special calling to foster/adopt”. I’ll be honest, I get a cringe feeling in my stomach when I hear this. The Bible makes God’s voice so clear: “If you love me, feed my sheep.” “As you do for the least of these, you do for me.” Our own adoption into God’s family speaks volumes on God’s heart for adoption. God’s voice on this is clear! Why not move your feet in the direction of love… unless you get a definite calling from God to STOP?
Is everyone able to foster or adopt? No. That’s not realistic. But everyone is able to be apart of the solution in some way. Support a family who IS adopting or fostering. Offer childcare, a meal, a monetary donation, an ear to listen, a daily prayer. What if we each adopted a family who is walking the journey of foster care or adoption, and held them up and strengthened them so that they can reach more kiddos? What if we as a church actually looked like the church is supposed to look?
It’s not about being a “special person,” it’s about being a flawed human who’s willing to try because we love Jesus and Jesus loves these kids. Are we saviors of these kids? Heck no! That is God’s job and I’m pretty glad because I’d be a sucky savior. But we can have moving feet and willing hands and open doors.
I hear a lot, “oh gosh, I’d take those babies in a heartbeat!” any time there’s a child on the news in some desperate state. And I know most people would open their door to a child placed on their doorstep. But you gotta sign up to be that doorstep, guys. You gotta move your feet. Don’t sit around waiting for a calling you’ve already been given. Jump in the game. Make a phone call, ask some questions, take some baby steps, get homestudy ready, love on a foster fam, donate to an adoptive fam… get in there!
We need you! We. Need. You. Not a “special person with a special calling” — YOU! A flawed human saying, “here I am, send me.” ♥️