A photo-heavy look at what we’ve been up to lately:
This day, a black butterfly (identical to the one that follows us around the entire time we go to the land, every time) followed us around the whole time we were at the lake. In the middle of the lake. All day.
We have slowed way down… we have been intentional… we have been together 24/7. (And cleaned the house some despite these pictures, I swear)
We had a garage sale. The kids helped tons with cleaning, sorting, setting up, pricing everything with color coded stickers, greeting people who came by, counting change, and selling lemonade. They are big into “starting businesses” right now and Ty and I are loving watching them with their entrepreneurial little spirits.
It rained, so we put everything back in the garage… then pulled it back out… and it rained again so we put it all back in, and repeat. But the kids had a blast!
^ Date night to Lowes. Came home with some little baby plants.
Tractor naps = the best naps.
Our first batch of chickens started laying! Or at least one of them did, because we’ve been getting one egg per day. They’re about 5.5 months old so still a little on the young side. We’re keeping our eyes peeled for more soon! So proud of those little ladies.
^ Rich, dark orange yolk. You won’t find that in a grocery store egg! Farm fresh organic eggs are filled with so many more nutrients and taste so different!
We had 3 ducks that the kids raised from hatchlings. They’ve been living on our pond for a few months, living their very best life and doing great. Ty build them a floating duck house so they could escape from predators if needed. WELP… one day last week we came out and there were only 2 ducks left. The next day, only one. Bill. These days, Bill is in the chicken coop for better protection.
Bill is adapting well to his new life as a chicken. Hence the smile!
Lots of new baby chicks have joined the homestead. Silkies, Polish, Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, and some sweet little mutts.
Story went to 3 days of horse camp with her friend and cousin, and fell pretty deep in love with barn life.
The last few months have been filled with a lot of pain, grief, tears, emptiness, sadness, and still wishing things were different. At the root of everything, we just miss our baby so much and everything hurts without her (the good days hurt the most because we wish for her even more). But these recent months have also been filled with snuggles, dreams, slowing down, steady progress, and HOPE that we know has only come from Jesus. Every day we are finding things to be thankful for… our sunshine girl being one of the biggest, brightest things.
In a little bit, I’ll give y’all a house update. A ton of progress has happened since I last updated here. We are so ready to be living on the farm full time.