Toys that don’t get forgotten about after a week + that appeal to all ages + stand the test of time, are like unicorns to moms. We got our first set of Magnatiles over 5 years ago and we periodically add a new set here and there from time to time to take our building to the next level. Every kid, from infant through adult, has loved sitting on our living room floor and getting lost building with these. I find myself still building after kids have walked away (anyone else do this with building or coloring?)
A few days ago we opened a new set that has stairs and windows and doors, and we built the ultimate baby chick house.
I love that kids from all age groups can play together with Magnatiles. I also love seeing who my organized, methodical ones are… kids who sort them by colors and shapes first before building, and who have a master plan in mind. And of course, getting to smash the creation at the end (or letting the baby do it!) is a crowd favorite.
Magnatiles also sent us their new miniature version, which is right up Story Kate’s alley.
Getcha our favorite starter set of Magnatiles HERE.
Madison Vining