Day 3 of our Seaside trip was a good one. They’re all good ones. How can anyone have a bad day here?
I launched a few Young Living businesses before we hit the pool. Helping some mamas and daddies make an extra $500, $5,000, $50,000 or more per month, spend more time together, travel, and accomplish their goals (both wellness goals and financial goals). It’s a fulfilling way to start the day. I am thankful it’s something I can do (on my phone, from anywhere) every single day.
Then we started our day of adventure!
We hopped on our bikes and hit up our favorite juice place EVER, Raw & Juicy. After that we went to “the frog pool,” which is the pool closest to our house and the one that’s usually vacant. We had the place to ourselves for a couple hours and the kiddos had fun diving for toys, playing tag (nobody to tell us not to run 😉 ) and singing “I got that sunshine in my pocket” over and over. Cuties!
I caught up on reading some birth books. The one I’m digging into right now is The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy & Childbirth. What’s super cool, is that after connecting on instagram, I found out that Mama Natural (who I’ve followed for years) lives right here by Seaside! Our families are hitting up the farmer’s market together on Saturday. Social media is so cool in the way it connects people.
We ended the night with dinner in the gazebo of Bud & Alley’s. The kids played on the beach while we waited for our food to come.
It was an amazing day.